There is a breeder where I purchased our green cheek from, that is just a wealth of information. They are also hobby bird breeders, and have been very successful with their birds. Their green cheek conures have, and are limited to 2 clutches of eggs a year. Their clutches are always healthy,playful, well socialized birds. When I picked up my breeding pair from them, I began drilling them for information, what do the birds eat, how much light do they need, how much space do they need, do they need toys? They are very patient and are willing to answer all my questions, and are more than willing to mentor me. One of the very first things she told me about the breeder birds ( to be named later by my fiances school age program class) was to ensure that they are getting a multivitamin . She recommended Nekton-E. NEKTON-E is absolutely essential for helping build up and preserve the supporting tissues.Vitamin E has a far-reaching effect on the whole metabolism and acts as a stabilizer on other vitamins. A lack of vitamin E causes muscular dystrophy, which can befall the whole muscular framework, heart muscle and stomach muscle. Birds fed on foodstuffs poor in vitamin E are also susceptible to all kinds of infectious diseases. NEKTON-E is particularly interesting for bird breeders because it encourages the breeding instinct. Its effect on the reproductive organs and sex hormones is highly important. Lack of vitamin E results in animals disinterested in breeding and in some cases sterile. In addition the vitamin reserves of female birds are very often not enough for the care of embryos or babies at the same time. By ensuring a rich supply of vitamin E for his birds before the laying period a breeder can look forward to larger clutches, fewer infertile eggs, better hatchability and a reduced number of deaths among embryos and young.
That's their little secret. Now, I sprinkle a little bit on the birds food everyday, in hopes that the birds will learn the secret too.
One word of warning though...NEKTON-E should be given to animals regularly at least three
weeks before the breeding period begins. Please observe the following rules when breeding birds. When the female has laid the first egg and is brooding, cease doses of NEKTON-E as the
brooding process may be disturbed by a too strong mating instinct in the male. This could cause damage to the freshly laid eggs.
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