This is a sad story for someone who has lost a pet bird. Today, my step-daughter found a lutino cockatiel on the ground, obviously away from home. It was dirty, and hungry, but now found. She rushed it home, so I could take care of it, feed it and clean it up. It is a beautiful bird, hand fed, and very hand tame, unfortunately unbanded, and unclipped.
I am a strong believer in both banding and clipping wings, especially in pet birds. Clipping the wings could have prevented the loss of this family pet, and sadness that this family is going through without their feathered friend. My step daughter is in the process of scouring the neighbourhood to find out who may have lost their family member. We will do our best to find the family it belongs too. It's unfortunate that this had to happen. With a few minutes , and a sharp pair of scissors, its wings could have been trimmed and all this could have been prevented. If the bird was banded, the breeder could have been contacted, and information on who the bird was sold to could have been found, and the bird safely returned to its family.
Until then, we will be its adoptive home, where it will be well fed and well loved. Tomorrow, she has an appointment with a sharp pair of scissors.
I'll keep you posted
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